Impromptu events allow owners of vehicles which are registered under the Queensland Special Interest Vehicle Scheme (SIVS) to operate their vehicles in a limited capacity outside the regularly organised club events and other permittable use as outlined in the scheme. Full details of the SIVs scheme and impromptu events can be viewed on the Queensland TMR website.

As outlined on the TMR website, an impromptu event is an event that has been initiated by a club member, involves one or more vehicles, and must comply with the following elements:

  • involves an invitation to wider club members to attend the event; and
  • is either
    • endorsed in advance of the event by the relevant club or Australia Street Rod Federation committee; or,
    • where it exists, complies with published club guidelines as to what is a valid event; and
  • is listed either in the newsletter, on the website, or social media page (or in another manner approved by the club or Australia Street Rod Federation, such as the club calendar of events) prior to the event.

Please review the BVRC Inc. impromptu event application guidelines prior to submitting your application.

BVRC Inc. impromptu event application guidelines

    Please enter the details of your impromptu event below. An email will be sent to the club President and Secretary for approval.

    NOTE - Your event is not approved until you have explicit approval from the BVRC Inc. Club President or Secretary.

    Your Name

       Vehicle Details

          SIVS Rego Number

    Proposed Event Details

    Proposed Date

        Your Email


    Members are expected at all times to operate their SIVS registered vehicles in accordance with all requirements of the SIVS scheme including but not limited to not operating the vehicle in any fee for service capacity or commuter travel.

    The BVRC Inc. committee reserves the right to not publish any Impromptu events for any reason they see fit. Under no circumstances will retrospectively dated events be added to the register. 

    The procedures for and conditions associated with BVRC Inc. impromptu events will be regularly reviewed by the BVRC Inc. committee and revised as required. Any such changes will be outlined on this page and communicated in the BVRC Inc. newsletter and via email to members.